National Test House is committed to provide reliable, evalution of various products/material and calibration in the scientific & engineering fields conforming toapplicable national/international standards to its customers as per their requirements.
National Test House is committed to maintain competence, consistence operation, impartially and confidentiallyin respect of all its activities for meeting the requirements of national and international standards.
Commitment at all levels to implement & maintain a quality management system
To familiarize all personnel concerned with testing/calibration with the quality management system and its implementation by effective training.
Total customer focus & satisfaction bt communication with them more effectively, adhering to time schedule for completion of jobs & reporting accurate and reliable results
Ensuring quality and accuracyof test/calibration performed in accordance with established standards & requirements of our customer
Impartiality and confidentialy in respect of its activities
Continual improvement of quality management system
To resolve customer's complaints promptly and justiably