भारत सरकारGovernment of India उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य और सार्वजनिक वितरण मंत्रालयMINISTRY OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS, FOOD & PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION

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About us

NTH is India's largest multi-location multidisciplinary industrial central government’s testing laboratory

National Test House is a premier scientific and technical institution of this country employed in the service of the country for more than a 110 years.

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NTH Building

Employed in the service of the country for more than 100 years

NTH is India's largest multi-location multidisciplinary industrial central government's testing laboratory dealing with almost all sorts of testing, calibration and quality evaluation related to industry, commerce, trade etc. as per international and national standards. At present National Test House is providing facilities like testing, evaluation, and calibration of raw materials as well as finished products to the end users through its branches established at Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Ghaziabad, Jaipur, Guwahati, and Varanasi .

Strength of NTH

The strength of NTH lies in its specialized and experienced Scientists and Engineers drawn from diversified fields of Science and Technology, who are positioned in various laboratories located across the country. The Scientists are supported by qualified and highly skilled technicians, laboratory supervisors, workshop operators and supporting staff.

NTH Technologists represent about 150 forums set up by the Bureau of Indian Standards for the formulation of National Standards

A team of Scientists have been trained and qualified as Assessors by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) who conduct assessments of laboratories to assist NABL.


Our Role Today

Since India's independence, NTH has expanded its responsibilities manifold. We actively engage in all facets of technology that are interconnected with industry, commerce, trade, import substitution, export promotion, and standardization. NTH takes pride in its active partnership in standardization and the formulation of National Standards, and we have been supporting the Bureau of Indian Standards (formerly Indian Standards Institution) since its inception in 1947.

NTH is also actively involved by providing assistance to the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) in accrediting testing and calibration laboratories across the country.

Regional Test Houses

Recognizing the diverse and vast needs of the Indian industry across the subcontinent, we have established regional test houses in strategic locations. These regional branches, located at Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Ghaziabad, Jaipur, Guwahati, and Varanasi (Satellite Centre), play a crucial role in bringing our testing and evaluation facilities closer to various industries.